Vegans coming after beekeepers is one of my major teeth grinding annoyances. For many reasons, because there’s so many lies. And to go one step further because it’s such a waste. You see, the strongest vegan argument is that they don’t want to exploit animals or take from them without their consent. "… but… Bees consent. NO. I’M NOT KIDDING. "How? Bee hives aren’t kept on leashes. They’re outside, the bees can travel miles every day. They follow their queen. Who is also outside, not on a leash, and can travel miles every day. If she doesn’t like the hive for any reason - for example: it got too hot, too cold, too messy, too filled with sugary stuff and they need more space… then the queen leaves. And with her the hive.



Vegans coming after beekeepers is one of my major teeth grinding annoyances. For many reasons, because there’s so many lies. And to go one step further because it’s such a waste. You see, the strongest vegan argument is that they don’t want to exploit animals or take from them without their consent. "… but… Bees consent. NO. I’M NOT KIDDING. "How? Bee hives aren’t kept on leashes. They’re outside, the bees can travel miles every day. They follow their queen. Who is also outside, not on a leash, and can travel miles every day. If she doesn’t like the hive for any reason - for example: it got too hot, too cold, too messy, too filled with sugary stuff and they need more space… then the queen leaves. And with her the hive.



关于网络,我想总结两个主要的观察: ❶ 一群怀揣美好理想做事脚踏实地的人建立了互联网的基础架构和各式服务。 ❷ 然后大量有意引发争端的无聊网红们和觉得世界要围绕自己转的恶霸,开始在其中夺取权力与利益,大加破坏了这个美好的网络世界。 —— 纽约大学信息科技教授莱恩·努尼 [source](


你是跨性别?你小时候可一点都没表现出来呀! [source](


并不是女性靠性关系得到升职,而是男性上司利用职务之便,扣住女性下属应得的升职机会,胁迫女性提供性服务。 [source](


请不要把自己当作高人一等的人去监管或审判别人,也不要用“完美的道德”去衡量别人。比如: ❶ 请不要“等着某个人犯错”,然后逮住这个人的失误去大肆宣扬。 ❷ 请不要设置基于身份的准入制度。 ❸ 请不要去质疑别人的被边缘的身份。 ❹ 请不要在团体内部毫无理由地“捉奸细”。 ❺ 请不要无端质疑别人的善意。 ❻ 请不要抓住别人的某个用词然后大做文章。 ❼ 请不要把自己的生活方式强加给别人。 ❽ 请不要在团体内部打压排挤别人。 ❾ 请不要妖魔化别人。 也就是说,请不要鼓励一个充满监控和危险的环境,请不要让人和人之间充满猜忌。 如果你了解纳粹德国的盖世太保秘密警察、苏联的克格勃国家安全委员会、东德的斯塔西国家安全部,还有奴隶制度的运作,你就会知道什么样的组织会去特意打造一个人和人之间互相猜忌的环境,人和人之间互相猜忌的环境里有会滋生什么样的事情。 在这种监控下建立出的权力架构是:你依附跟从的人权力越大,你跟着你依附的人参与监控和迫害越多,你权力就越大。在这样的一个环境里,为了保证自己不会成为下一个“人民公敌”,很多人会自愿监控甚至迫害周围的人。 [source](


你不能改变已经发生过的事情。 但你可以停止把痛苦和伤害再次传播出去。 [source](
